Cecilia Haroho Are

I was born in Opao Village, Kerema Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea.  My father was a Policeman and my mother is a house wife. There are eight of us in the family, three brothers and 5 sisters including myself. I’m 3rd in the family.

 After learning artistic skills from my father and mother at the age of 9, I began creating my artworks like screen printing, sewing, macrame, knitting, weaving and crocheting. As a single mother, I sell my artworks to support my son and myself.

 I also work as a volunteer with children ages 10 to 14 at the Disable Ministry Centre, whose parents are living with disabilities. I home school them.

 I dream to own a business one day.

Now 46 Cecilia is a single mother with a nine-year-old boy named Adrian who attends St. Martins Primary school in Lae Marobe Province. To support her son’s education and earn money to put food on the table Cecilia does and sells art. When income is low her family steps in to support Cecilia and Adrian. All the art sold is created by Cecilia’s hard work whilst she faces struggles and challenges such as the price competition, low tourism and not having an arts market to sell in.

In her spare time Cecilia participates as a volunteer in the Disable Ministry to help the Junior Youths (aging between 10 and 14), whose parents are living with disabilities, with their reading and math for homeschooling. Cecilia aims to be a business owner with a secure future so that she can sell her beautiful art.